Nutrition Classes

We offer free health & nutrition classes as our way to serve and empower people about the transformative power of healthy home cooking. Our classes include printed recipes, information booklets, cooking demonstrations and delicious recipes. We offer a wide range of topics that can be performed at your place of work, church or at our office.
Part of our mission is to spread the Goodnews of healthy home cooking and we would like to educate everyone on how the healthiest meals can be made in your kitchen!

Sleep Better, Stress Less

Do you struggle with poor sleep quality, sleep apnea, or sluggishness during the day?

Find out how more and more research is being released on sleep and what a powerful effect it has on our daily health.

Food Addiction 911

Are you struggling with cravings? Do you find yourself eating foods that you know aren’t good for you, but you can’t seem to stop? Do you sometimes feel controlled by food? Learn to identify the root cause of cravings and overcome them with powerful strategies to tackle them when they occur.

Immune Boosters & Busters

Are you looking for ways to strengthen your immune system, at home, in your kitchen? This class explores foods and habits that can boost our immune system and also those that deplete it. Hear the latest research behind immunity and what you can do, easily, to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Revamp Your Kitchen with Healthy Meal Preps

Do you wish you could go out to eat less, but are not sure how to plan meals for home? Are you looking to save money, while also eating healthier? We will teach you how to put meals together and how to pair different recipes so you always have variety! You’ll never be bored of eating the same old foods again!